We all face impossible situations in our lives. Circumstances requiring God to come through in a big way. Challenges like infertility, major health issues, divorce, addictions, etc. Seasons and situations we have no control over, where our only hope is in God coming through for us.
Impossible is what God does. It’s what He’s known for. He’s an expert at impossible situations. He’s famous for raising the dead, opening blind eyes, giving children to folks way past childbearing age (remember Abraham & Sarah, or Elizabeth and Zechariah?).
God owns the impossible but He’s given us something incredible.
We possess the possible. We have more than enough talent and brains to do so much more than we are currently doing. Why don’t we do more? I know a few reasons (ahem, excuses) because I’ve used them for years. But recently, God is pointing them out to me and not letting me slither off the hook any longer. He keeps reminding me how He presents the possible to me every single day. He tells me over and over, “Possess your possible.” When I do, I see miracles.
When I don’t my number one excuse is laziness. Number two? Fear. Fear of what people might think, fear of rejection, fear I won’t do a good job, fear that I really don’t deserve good things.
People say if you see it you can believe it but lately, that little expression is getting turned on it’s ear. What I’m hearing is, “If you believe it you will see it.” After all, faith, which we can’t see, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If you don’t have faith to believe it, you will never, ever see it. Paul, in Romans 4:17, straight up tells us to, “Call those things that are not as though they are.” That about sums up possess your possible don’t you think?
What comes next? We can call things that are not till the cows come home but without any action, without actually doing something, (read: getting out of your own way), nothing will change.
You know, I’m writing this at 5 in the morning. I woke up around 4:15 and the more I pondered the more awake I became and the words began flowing. When the words flow, I’ve learned to pick up my pen! So I finally got out of bed, stumbled in the dark to my office and here I am writing all the words and thoughts churning through my brain. It’s important for me and, I’m pretty sure it’s important for you too. I know I’m not the only one who needs to hear this!
It’s time we grab hold of the possible.
It’s ours to possess, it’s our promised land. You know when God promised the land to the Israelites, they had to go in and fight off the giants and the interlopers and possess their land. It wasn’t handed to them on a silver platter. God told them what was possible and the rest was up to them.
We can leave the im-possible to God, He’s the expert at it after all. But the possible? It’s your turn to possess it.
- Is it hard? Yes
- Will it take discipline? Absolutely.
- Will you have to give up some things? Probably.
- Will you be tempted to quit? For sure.
- Will it be scary? Of course.
- Will it be worth it to change your life and achieve your goals? I guarantee it.
Like I mentioned before, my biggest enemies are laziness and fear, and let’s throw in procrastination because, real life. But I just returned from a week long cruise with 500 high achievers in our business and I am incredibly motivated by the stories I heard, stories of folks from every walk of life who are possessing their possible and changing countless lives in the process. I decided this week I no longer want to live in the land of Good Enough.
I don’t believe God is a stingy God who wants to see any of us broke and depressed, sick and tired, unhappy and unfulfilled. He gives us all we need for life and health and happiness and what He does for one, He will do for all. He is no respecter of persons.
But, you will have to do a couple things. You’ll have to decide you’re worth it, worth the work and worth the fight. You’ll need to make some changes, get off the couch, pray like mad and see just what is possible in your life.
It’s still January. It’s the first month of the year and even if your New Year’s resolutions have fallen flat, you can get a do-over. I’m making my own personal changes because I’m determined to learn more, grow more, do more, write more, connect more, help more folks in 2016 than ever before. I’m capable of so much more. And so are you!
What’s possible for you? Do you want to lose weight and get healthy? It will require choices and changes but it’s possible. Do you want to start your own business and increase your income? You’ll need to learn some new skills, turn off the TV and talk to people. Maybe you want to write a book, start a blog, go back to school, or learn to cook. Great! Set some goals (write them down or I promise you, they won’t happen), count the cost and find someone you can be accountable to who will kick your behind when fear or laziness come a-calling. And believe me, they will.
Here’s the good news: You are the CEO of your future. I promise you anything is possible. Anything at all.
“All things are possible to him who believes..” Mark 9:23
So I’m asking you friend….
….will you join me in 2016 and #possessyourpossible?
I would love to pray for you. Let me know in the comments how you are going to #possessyourpossible in 2016. I’m cheering for you!
Where did January go? Energy being zapped by issues with sibling and two of my daughters. Watching an in- law struggle with every day life, as well as my own parents growing older and the need to be a resource for them. I thank God for my wife. Closer to here than ever. Praying I can find the balance and be the person He wants me to be.
Oh Clark, I know you will. I pray the Lord will continue growing you more deeply in Him and speaking clearly to you as you deal with the difficult issues you’re facing. He’s bigger than all our problems but close as our next breath. Blessings!
“Possess your possible!” I LOVE this and is was just what I needed to hear. This year I am committing myself to following my dream of writing. I will be pursuing my blogging with new energy and enthusiasm. I will overcome several health struggles I have encountered over the past couple of years and hopefully encourage and inspire others to get healthy as well. Finally, and possibly the biggest goal, is to invest in my marriage like never before! Thank you for sharing this today!! 🙂
You are so welcome Kim! I love your goals and know I am cheering you on from the sidelines! Hugs 🙂
Aww…thank you! I appreciate my cheering section. 😉
Wonderfully encouraging word, thank you for being an open book. Love you to the moon and back!
Thank you Mitzi! Ditto 🙂
I like that you got up out of bed to write. So many times I just grab my laptop and stay snuggled up which invariably either ends up with my falling back asleep or just goofing off on Social Media.
Oh Paula, the words were flowing and I knew if I fell back to sleep I’d never remember them! When they flood in like that, I know the Lord is up to something and I just grab my pen and write!! Blessings to you friend!
I am going to possess my possible by living a healthy, more active lifestyle and loosing/meeting and maintain my goal weight. Working on blogging more! Doing my independent consultaing more! And loving and living more like Christ every day!
I love that Denise! I pray God showers you with favor as you walk into your possible! Hooray!
This is awesome! Thank you.
You’re welcome Barbie! Thanks for stopping by 🙂