I want you to know this and believe it: God has an amazing, custom designed plan for your life. You will be getting to know Him as you grow and I can’t wait to watch you fall in love with Him! Your mom and dad are great parents and I know they will teach you all about Jesus and what it means to follow Him. Here are a few things Poppy and I are praying for you as you grow into the woman of God He’s called you to be:.
Catch and Release
It’s a push/pull, this mothering thing. Holding and at the same time, letting go. We have these babies, these tiny, soft, helpless babies, and we vow to hold them close, keep them safe, and never let the world and all it’s fears and worries and heartaches get too close. We become mama-fierce, like protective she-lions, ready …
Today’s Grace
My mom has always told me I have ‘hard feet’. Not soft and lovely with long pretty toes but hard and dry and easily calloused. She said it’s because of my heritage. Not sure which since I have Scottish, Irish, French, French Canadian and American Indian but it’s one of those I guess. It bothers …
Lists, Life and Lion Sweaters
I’m a list maker. A planner. In fact, my family knows only too well: if it’s not on my list it ain’t gonna get done. I won’t name any names, (ahem. husband. daughter.) but my propensity for planning can be annoying. They know I like to plan and have my list and they mock me. Seriously. But …
Answered Prayer but not the Way I Thought
Edward Albee, the playwright, said something years ago that’s always stuck in my head. “Sometimes it’s necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.“ I could never understand it because I heard it before I’d lived it. Now? I understand perfectly. I learned the hard way that …