I just turned sixty. I can’t even believe I said that out loud! I mean, come on, sixty??? How on earth did that happen??
Honestly, in the months preceding my birthday, I tried to avoid even thinking about it. But my husband, God love him, would occasionally remind me with a little glint in his eye that at fifty-nine I was actually in my sixtieth year. Cute. Not. He’s sixty-two so he can get away with it 🙂
I don’t know why it bothered me so much. Turning forty was a big milestone and I think the realization hit home that I was nothing resembling a young person anymore. Turning fifty wasn’t so bad. I just slid right into that decade and didn’t think too much about it but sixty. Whoa….
Ten Ways to Show The Father’s Heart
My Puzzle part. That’s what we’ve always called each other. In fact, it’s inscribed on a signet ring I had made for him before we got married. Our life together often feels like a giant, 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle! We haven’t always known where we fit and we’ve been moved about trying to fit here or there or just fit in. But we’ve always fit together.
We clicked from the instant we met. It didn’t hurt he was super cute, an incredibly gifted musician, smarter than anyone I’ve ever known and funny as the dickens! I knew very quickly he was the one I wanted to marry. And we did, 31 years ago. And in those 31 years he’s taught me more about the Father’s heart than anyone else I’ve ever known.
Bravery By Degrees
Has God asked you to jump lately? Did you try to negotiate or doubt it was really His voice? Is He inviting you to take The God Dare? Join me and see what He taught me about achieving bravery by degrees.
Why Jesus is Better Than Cake
I want to have my cake and eat it too. I DON’T want to share it with ANYONE. I want it all to myself because I’m selfish. It’s my worst quality and the one area where I still have much work to do. One of many areas.
As I grow and go on with God He gently guides and teaches and as I listen and follow, my clenched hands open and what I grasp tight He teaches me to give. He brought this home in a profound way years ago and I’ve never forgotten the lesson. It’s this:
Just because a blessing falls into your lap doesn’t mean it’s always yours to keep.
If you follow my blog you know I’ve written quite a bit about my struggles with
He Knows the Way
He Knows The Way each of us takes and He cares deeply about our hopes and dreams, our desires, our wants, our prayers. We can’t see what He’s doing behind the scenes but He’s always working on our behalf, making things ready, putting all our ducks in a row.
Infinite is the number of ways He can communicate His love and care for us and one of those ways is using the world around us.
Has He ever spoken to you through His creation? He does with me, often, dropping little hints to remind me He’s there, He hears, and He totally has my back. Here’s an example.I take a walk every day and usually my husband Mike joins me. This particular day however…