Other Notable Podcasts where you can find me:
- Passion4Moms Podcast with the lovely Chimene Dupler. This is on YouTube as well 🙂
- Living in the Light with Laura Leigh Turner. Yes, she plays Karen Smith in Mean Girls on Broadway and we dish all about the theatre and so. much. more!
- The Brave Conversations with Danni Synot & Tom Mann. Danni is in Australia (you’ll love her accent!) And Tom is here in the US. We have a fabulous conversation and talk about everything!! I hope you’ll watch or…listen 🙂
- Moms in Prayer podcast. What’s your brave “yes”?? Join me and Lee Nienhuis as we chat all about it!
- The Nothing is Wasted Podcast with Davey Blackburn. How God redeemed my story of abortion & infertility and how He continues to call me into bigger and better things.
- Seek and Savor Podcast with Tara Dickson. What’s your response when God calls you to do something outside your comfort zone?
- The Walk it Out podcast with dear friend Tricia Goyer. God wants to bring us freedom and He wants us to walk in fullness, no matter what we’ve done in our past.
- The Chatologie Podcast great conversation with my friend, Angie Elkins.
- Revealing the Truth Podcast with Reverend Rabbi Eric Walker! Love this deep conversation 🙂
- Beth Bacall Podcast: with the wonderful Beth Bacall of 104.7 The Fish in Atlanta. Take a listen as we dig deep into The God Dare!
- Moms Struggling Well Podcast with the delightful and hilarious Emily Thomas! You will love her!
- Graceologie Podcast with the lovely Gwen Smith. Is there something GOD is asking you to do that you know you couldn’t possibly do on your own? Deep down inside, you know you’re on this planet for a reason. God has a plan in mind just for you. Listen in to hear more!
- She Found Joy Podcast with Lauren Gaskill.
- The Simply Joyful Podcast with sweet Kristi Clover. Trusting God to equip you for all He’s called you to do!
TV Interviews:
- 100 Huntley Street, Canada’s longest running daily talk show! I truly loved doing this interview with the amazing Maggie John!
- Mimika TV: How to do the Impossible with God with Mimika Cooney
- The Unbreakable Soul with Crystal Rome. Lovely interview with the beautiful Crystal Rome. She and her husband did the Book Trailer for The God Dare. Honestly, I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out! They did a phenomenal job!!