When was the last time you went through one of those seasons where everything you relied on, everything you thought was true, fell apart? I’m talking about the big things. The job loss, the miscarriage, the divorce, the serious illness, the tragedies that sucker punch us one way or another and can’t be prayed away. The suffocating thing suddenly dropped in our laps where we can’t see anything good because of the bad….
Secrets of The God Dare
“We’ve got it all wrong. We’re searching for the very thing pursuing us. We search, we dig, we look. We fret and question, wonder and worry and all along it’s right in front of us, right under our nose. Can you smell the fragrance? It’s enticing in it’s might. Frightening and overwhelming our senses with power and possibility. Drawing us, reminding us of something we used to know and believe but have forgotten somewhere along the way. It’s all around us, pregnant in every day, infusing each moment small and large, ordinary and awesome. It’s God’s ‘yes’. His cosmic smile and nod of the head, his holy high-five, beckoning us to believe. Begging us to take Him at His word. To once and for all let go of fear, worry, pride and strife and just say yes to His yes.
My ‘One Word’ for 2021
I started blogging more than 10 years ago on a simple little site called The Kitchen Princess, mostly to share recipes with my daughter and friends. I love to cook, they liked my cooking and so it seemed a natural fit. But I’m a ponderer and thoughts come to me. Ideas and thoughts about God pop into my brain I’m sure couldn’t possibly originate with me. Good things, God things, you know? So I write about them too. I think you’d classify me as a ‘food and faith’ blogger. Which is perfectly okay with me!
As much as I love to cook, I love God more; thinking about Him, talking to Him, pondering His amazing goodness in my life, and as time went on, I realized I wanted to write about Him more and more.
5 Ways to Get A Handle on Christmas
I’m just out of sorts this Christmas season. It’s all sparkling lights and tinsel, Santa and snowmen and I’ve just put up my freaking Christmas tree! Never have I not had a tree up by this point in the season. Never have I not had all my decorations done, cookies baked and presents bought. Last year …
The Place Between the Going & the Showing
I like to make my own decisions about my life like where I live, how I spend my time, how I make a living, etc. I’m an independent sort and I pretty much want to do what I want to do when I want to do it….. except for this one thing. By submitting my …