My mom has always told me I have ‘hard feet’. Not soft and lovely with long pretty toes but hard and dry and easily calloused. She said it’s because of my heritage. Not sure which since I have Scottish, Irish, French, French Canadian and American Indian but it’s one of those I guess. It bothers …
Lists, Life and Lion Sweaters
I’m a list maker. A planner. In fact, my family knows only too well: if it’s not on my list it ain’t gonna get done. I won’t name any names, (ahem. husband. daughter.) but my propensity for planning can be annoying. They know I like to plan and have my list and they mock me. Seriously. But …
Answered Prayer but not the Way I Thought
Edward Albee, the playwright, said something years ago that’s always stuck in my head. “Sometimes it’s necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.“ I could never understand it because I heard it before I’d lived it. Now? I understand perfectly. I learned the hard way that …
When God isn’t Enough
I woke up early today before sunrise to the noise of the mowers outside mowing away in the still dark Georgia morning. I got up to close the window, got back in bed and pulled the covers over my head to drown out the noise. I snuggled down into the warmth and slipped right into a …
Chemo, a Shaved Head and knowing He is Enough
…As the chemo drips and her hair comes out in clumps and she begs for the thorn to be removed, He whispers, “My grace is sufficient.” As life comes at her harder than she ever bargained for He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” His fragrance permeates all our lives as she lifts up His name and makes it bigger than her problem, bigger than her pain, bigger than her hair.