The truth is, the hand that rocks the cradle really does rule the world. No one will influence your child’s life more than you Mama. No one.
You write their future one day at a time, one meal, one movie, one bath, one boo-boo, one lesson, one kiss, one hug, one diaper at a time. Millions of moments and thousands of days add up to a life of purpose when we value each moment and treasure each day. Even the hard days. And the hard days will come Mama.
Do you know you’re a builder? Whatever ‘mom name’ you go by, working mom, single mom, traveling mom, foster mom, handicapped mom, step-mom, empty nest mom, adoptive mom or a brand-new first time mom, you’re a builder. Moment by moment, day by day, year by year, you’re building.
Each day another brick is laid. Another building block is nailed into place. Another stitch in the tapestry, another brushstroke of a masterpiece, another note in a grand symphony. You can’t see the building or the painting. The music’s drowned out by the buzz of a busy household, but it’s there. As the melody forms, the crescendo rises day by day. And the painting takes shape.
And a skyscraper rises from the dust.
Every day you’re building lives Mama. Moment by moment instilling character, igniting passions. Painting a picture of God and forming futures. Building belief and truth. Some days the building is a delight, and other days it will tax every bit of patience you own. In fact, you might grow weary as the building drones on and on, but I promise, progress is being made.
The days are long Mama, I know. You will give and do more than you ever dreamed but you are raising a world changer. And you know what?
You’re a world changer too. In fact, God had you in mind when He gave you your child. He knows you and He chose you before the foundation of the world because He knows you are perfect for the job.
He’s building you precious Mama. Every test, every sorrow and tear, every lonely moment, every loss, He sees and He knows. And He cares deeply. In fact, He’s collected every tear and lovingly put each one in a bottle. He sees you and He hears each prayer, knows every sacrifice.
He knows it takes time to build a life. Endlessly teaching the same lessons, correcting the same behavior, praying the same prayers. The tiny increments of hours and days turn to months and years. It takes years of nails and boards and hammer strokes to build children into the men and women of God He’s called them to be, the ones who will change the world. The ones willing to be His hands and feet to the lost and lonely, the desperate and depressed, the weary and worn, no matter where He leads them.
No one but God knows your child as well as you do. I know, you think you’re not good at anything but I wholeheartedly disagree. You are an expert at raising your child. You know all his little quirks and funny habits. You know her personality and how she learns. What he’s good at and what frustrates him. You know her potential and over time, you’ll learn how to help her fully reach it.
Being a mom brings difficult days and challenging seasons but no matter the challenge, He is with you.
He’s there deep in the night as you rock a colicky baby to sleep.
He’s there at the doctor’s office when a disability is detected and your perfect vision of a perfect child and a perfect life comes crashing down.
He’s there when the income you depended on suddenly disappears.
He’s there when the one you depended on disappears too.
He’s there when any of the thousand things that can go wrong do go wrong.
He’s with you because He says so, Mama.
Build with diligence because your words and actions, choices and values will shape your children into men and women of God, eternally valued and of great worth. You’ll never forget laying the bricks and hammering the boards. The tears and tests, trials and triumphs. And a day will come when you stand back and look up and see a fine building, fit for the Master’s use.
Hold on tight to Him and let Him guide you, direct you, refresh and delight you as you walk through the days and years and seasons with your children. He has big dreams for them and because they’re big, God-sized dreams, He looked all around to find the perfect mom for your precious little ones.
And you know what?
[…] though it’s been said that a woman can be a world-changer by being a great mom, it’s kind of hard to believe that the person who spoke those words had someone like me in […]