I woke up early today before sunrise to the noise of the mowers outside mowing away in the still dark Georgia morning. I got up to close the window, got back in bed and pulled the covers over my head to drown out the noise. I snuggled down into the warmth and slipped right into a …
Chemo, a Shaved Head and knowing He is Enough
…As the chemo drips and her hair comes out in clumps and she begs for the thorn to be removed, He whispers, “My grace is sufficient.” As life comes at her harder than she ever bargained for He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” His fragrance permeates all our lives as she lifts up His name and makes it bigger than her problem, bigger than her pain, bigger than her hair.
Prayer for my Grandson
Nine years ago you crept in and stole my heart. I knew I’d love you but hardly expected you would utterly melt my heart. Completely, unashamedly. And now you have 2 little brothers and a sister! The day you were born, my role grew from wife, mom, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend to include the …
What are Your Words Eating?
What do your words say about your child? Are you speaking life or death to their dreams and desires, talents and gifts? Belittling and teasing them or building them up? If God created the universe with a word, does it make sense then to believe there is creative power in our words as well? “Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!” (James 3:5). It’s a ‘little member’ but its power to influence others for good or for evil is far greater than its small size!”
11 Steps to an Olympic Level Life
Did you ever try to push your dream to the next level and, after achieving some success you decided to settle? Halfway through you realized it was going to be harder than you thought and it was going to take more work than you anticipated so you let go? It’s a place we’ve all been …